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Just as Palpatine's empire rose in power and influence, a core group of citizens from across space quietly and sio begari to organize themselves into a sing cohesive unit. A unit with a single goal-t destruction of the Empire and a return to t democratic ways they had known and cherishe At first unknown to this brave group, th had allies in the Senate. These planet Senators saw and understood the extre danger in Palpatine's rapid gain in power, an they plotted in secret to overthrow him in a pr captive move that would focus the swelling ti of resistance into a force that would secu freedom for all the peoples of the Old Republi Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan an Sciiator Mon Mothma of Chandrila secretly p together a plan that, it was hoped, would sto Palpatine from defrauding his way into th Senatorial Presidency. Their covert attemp failed, for Palpatine's rise into full powe occurred literally overnight once his foundatio)f I :ot-i-upt politicians had been put into place At a meeting in Organa's home in Imperial Cit ('iiitham House, Mothma called for a genera J'C\Olution against Palpatine and his growin f I oi-ces.
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Organa resisted, fearing that such a mov @@otild not only destroy Palpatine but the ver ,,o\eriimental fabric they were fighting to save, ,i,ell.

Organa had devoted his entire life to the ILI Republic's democratic, senatorial system ,Itl(i believed that anarchy, once put into motion to t:op Palpatine, could not be contained. Then, a small planet in the Sern Sector, near 'i, Core Worlds, became the first to feel the :]Military wrath of Palpatine. The Massacre at Ili(,rman resulted when the Ghormanese planegovernor refused to bow to Palpatine. The ti/ens of his world, defying an Imperial iii,,ase in taxation, staged a peaceful protest at @)lanet's primary spaceport and blocked the ,I@1(iing pads used by Palpatine's naval vessels. ,)oz,ns were killed and hundreds more seriously ::ijliied when a warship, commanded by C@i@)tain (later Grand moff) Tarkin, iiitciitionally landed atop the protesters when it dfl'l\cd to collect the new taxes. This event ,,r,ipliically signaled the death of the Old R@)tiblic, and many other worlds at that point @@@ill/ed that the democratic ways they had ,iio\@ n were utterly gone. l@ail Organa, horrified that such a monstrosould occur, began helping Mothma to divert o[li funds and weaponry into the hands of the souls who formed what quickiv coalesced i)ockets of organized resistance. More im- portantly, perhaps, Organa and his small band of Rebel sympathizers in the Senate funneled highly classified information to the Rebel leaders I as well, allowing them to plan surprise strikes against Imperial shipments and troops. The many isolated resistance groups spread across the galaxy caused Palpatine little concern. Their leadership was poor, their forces largely disorganized. They had few weapons, and certainly nothing that could stand up to the Imperial forces assigned to eliminate them. Many resistance, units were scattered or completely destroyed, and their home systems were placed under martial law Mothm;is involvement in the Rebellion was discovered by the Imperial secret police, but before she could be apprehended, a friendly tip in e ear of Bail Organa allowed her to leave the ' I ca 'tal. She eluded ca mperia I cating herself to the destruction of the Empire, became Chief of State of the Rebel Alliance. Working to organize an Alliance of Rebel Planets, her first success came at a secret conference in the Corellian system. As Mothma showed the many leaders of the scattered resistance movement how central leadership would lead to improved communications, greater access to critical funds, supplies, vessels and weaponry, the three main resistance groups agreed to Join together into a cohesive unit. This Corellian Treaty formed the foundation of the Alliance, which quickly grew in strength through its new-found unity. The Declaration of Rebellion, ratified at that very conference, defied Palpatine directly and even addressed him personally. It stated, in part: You have disbanded the Senate, the voice ofthe people; You have instituted a policy of blatant racism andgenocide against the non-human peoples ofthe ga Iixy; You have overthrown the chosen rulers ofplanets, replacing them with Moffi and Governors of your choice; You have raised taxes without the consent of those taxed,- You have murdered and imprisoned millions without benefit of trial,- You have unlawfully'taken land andproperty; You have expanded the military far beyond what is necessary andprudent, for the sole purpose of opp ress 1 ng yo u r s u bjects. We, the Rebel Alliance, do therefore in the name-and by the authori@of theftee beings of tbegalaxy, solemnlypublisb anddeclare our intentions: Tofight and opposeyou andyourforces, by any and all means at our disposal; To refuse any Imperial law contrary to the rights offtee beings; To bring about your destruction and the destruction of the Galactic Empire; To make forever ftee -all beings in the galaxy. To these ends, we pledge our property, o r honor, and our lives. Worlds across space 'oined in the fight against the tyranny of Palpatine and his Empire. Prejudices that had once existed between races and species fell by the wayside as the common desire for freedom became the overriding FOCLIS of their lives. Starpilots crossed vast interstellar distances, often in tiny fighters, risking Imperial detection and imprisonment in order to join the Rebellion. Many of those government officials who had aided Mothma in the early stages of the Rebellion were discovered and either executed, tortured or incarcerated. Bail Organa's involvement in the formation of the Rebell'ioii was not discovered, however, and he continued to serve the Rebels by supplying whatever information and funding he could. He retired to Alderaan when the Imperial Senate was disbanded, and served there as Viceroy and First Chairman of the Alderaan system. A veteran of the Clone Wars, it was Organa who summontd Obi-Wan Kenobi-through his daughter Leiainto service against the Empire. Kenobi, in hiding following the extermination of the Jedi, came to Organa's aid but was unable to reach Aideraan before the planet's destruction (and Organa's death) at the hands of Grand Moff I'arkin and his ultimate weapon, the Death Star. The Rebellion quickly grew in force and scope. Imperial sailors serving aboard freighters and other vessels often jumped ship while in port and joined the Rebels in their fight. Arinanients rapidly became available to the R bellion as did starfighters of every shape and description, most of which were of older construction. Leia Organa, like her adopted father, fought to help the Rebels and served as a link in the chain that made the plans of the Death Star available to the Rebel forces. An analysis of these plans allowed the Rebel pilots to form an attack strategy at their Yavin IV base, and the seemingly-miraculous destruction of the Death Star took place beforc nightfall that same day. Continued Rebel struggles against the Empire brought defeats as well as triumphs, but it was the welcome addition of the brave Mon Calamari and their immense capital ships that finally gave the Rebellion the vessel hardware they needed to confront the Empire head-on. After massing in the Sullust system, the total combined fleets of the Rebellion attacked the Empire's final solutions new, improved and more powerful Death Star-and triumphed by destroying not only the massive battle station but Palpatine himself. The forces of the Empire fell into chaos, having lost their horrible leader, and the Rebel Alliance has risen to become the recognized governmental authority of all known space.
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