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Clans DLS have Claimed to have had some influence in destroying these clans. Some more so than others.


OLJA was the first clan DLS had a rivalry with. Led by Manic OLJA died after a series of screenshots of good DLS matches abuse & a little help from OLJ another clan of simular name. If it was not for this battle DLS_Skywalker would  not have been in DLS

LJ Lost Jedi

Lost Jedi were at one time an ally to DLS. LJ had there differences with Dark Ninja another ally to DLS in his clan SAW. LJ were very suspecious of DLS even when DLS changed there name from Dark Lords of the Sith to Defenders of the Lightside they held back information of what was going on and lied to do so. This brought on a rivarly once found out by DLS. After some arguements LJ's noble leader Jade felt it  to be a good enough reason to have a full blow war with DLS posting a series of rules to battles. Less than a day after posting  LJ was disbanned by Jade who obviously was overcome with problems. DLS played on this and really twisted the knife on what was a great clan.

However LJ have been reborn in LJR - Lost Jedi Reborn & are currently playing Jk together. Although they have ill feelings to DLS im sure they will one day have some revenge on what had occured.

PCA Pramium Council of Allies

PCA was led by LJ_Jade. PCA was a grouping of Light Jedi Clans that were to help each other in there time of need. Becuase LJ was at war with DLS PCA was brought into action. However PCA never recovered after the Leader of the organisation left. So PCA lies dormant, Or does it?

SAW  Sith Assault Warriors

Allies of DLS SAW was very much in the conflict between LJ\PCA & DLS. LJ had reasons to hate SAW because of the leader Dark Ninja. It was clear that PCA had spys in SAW which was a main reason DLS had a rivalry with LJ. As LJ died off so did the spies of the PCA. DLS easily made SAW disban

SSS Seceret Sith Service

Working with SAW, WOD, BHM was SSS who were trying to deal with PCA. Unknown to alot of SSS was that it was being run by a PCA member so no harm was to occur to LJ.

SSS did however have a spy or 2 in DLS obviously to help see our position between the 2 alliences of enemies. LJ & SAW. DLS_Blade was one of the spys who continued in DLS after growing to be great friends.

WOD Wizards of Darkness / BHM Bounty Hunters of Mandilator

WOD had a hatred to DLS for some time. Between WOD & BHM Bounty Hunters of Mandilator they made pretty much one strong clan only using 2 divisons. DLS used its strength to destroy these 2 clans with alot of screenshots of great games & a couple of spys leaving them saying "Im leaving this clan over the silly battle with DLS"

DLS Dark Lords of the sith

Dont be fooled we didnt war with ourselves. Another DLS popped up for a short time.. DLS quickly got in got control of this new clan and killed it off before the newbies really got to use the DLS tag.

RotS Rise of the Sith

Yet again DLS has attacked a clan of Dark Ninjas, a spy entered Rots gained the trust & turned members on Ninja. Instead of fighting a lost cause ninja left Rots to ANZAC. After a SOB SOB story he pleaded that we leave him be, which we agreed for a while.


As a result of more further anoying tactics, Ninja now known as Kien & Spicy toyed with memberships in clans before making a Ninja clan. DLS vowed to destroy it & after  DLS anoying posts on the Ninja message board they gave up.  The golden Rule is.. DLS ALWAYS WINS.

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